Andy VanLoocke
Recent Publications
- Approximately 15% of Miscanthus Yield is Lost at Current Commercial Cutting Heights in Iowa
- Impacts of Legacy and Contemporary Nitrogen Inputs on N2O and CO2 Emissions in Miscanthus and Maize Cultivated Soils
- Advances in Miscanthus x giganteus Planting Techniques May Increase Carbon Uptake in the Establishment Year
- A Simple, Affordable, Do-It-Yourself Method for Measuring Soil Maximum Water Holding Capacity
- Field-Scale Analysis of Miscanthus Production Indicates Climate Change May Increase the Opportunity for Water Quality Improvement in a Key Iowa Watershed
- Agroecosystem Model Simulations Reveal Spatial Variability in Relative Productivity in Biomass Sorghum and Maize for Energy in Iowa, USA
- Photosynthetic Decline in Aging Perennial Grass is Not Fully Explained by Leaf Nitrogen
- Rapid Changes in Agricultural Land Use and Hydrology in the Driftless Region
- Planting Miscanthus Instead of Row Crops May Increase the Productivity and Economic Performance of Farmed Potholes
- Soil Net Nitrogen Mineralization and Leaching under Miscanthus x giganteus and Zea mays
- The Economic and Environmental Costs and Benefits of the Renewable Fuel Standard
- Water Quality Effects of Economically Viable Land Use Change in the Mississippi River Basin under the Renewable Fuel Standard
- The Impact of Stand Age and Fertilization on the Soil Microbiome of Miscanthus x giganteus
- Multi-year and Multi-site Establishment of the Perennial Biomass Crop Miscanthus × giganteus Using a Staggered Start Design to Elucidate N Response
Recent Datasets
- Impacts of Legacy and Contemporary Nitrogen Inputs on N2O and CO2 Emissions in Miscanthus and Maize Cultivated Soils
- A Simple, Affordable, Do-It-Yourself Method for Measuring Soil Maximum Water Holding Capacity
- Agro-IBIS/THMB Modeled Yield, Nitrogen Loss, and Profitability Maps for the Raccoon River Basin, Iowa, USA
- Agroecosystem Model Simulations Reveal Spatial Variability in Relative Productivity in Biomass Sorghum and Maize in Iowa, USA
- Simulated Land Allocation, Nitrogen Use, and Nitrogen Loss in the Mississippi Atchafalaya River Basin for Various RFS2 (Renewable Fuel Standard) Policy Scenarios
- AgroIBIS VSF Farmed Pothole Ponding Model Runs
- The Economic and Environmental Costs and Benefits of the Renewable Fuel Standard
- Soil Bacterial Microbial Community Associated with Miscanthus giganteus Sequencing Data