Aashutosh Boob, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Ph.D. Candidate, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (PI: Zhao)
Adam Von Haden, Postdoc (DeLucia/Yang), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Adrien Finzi, Professor of Biology, Boston University
Alex Frese, Molecular Biology Ph.D. Candidate (Wühr), Princeton University
Alex Steiner, Plant Biology Ph.D. Candidate (Heaton), Iowa State University
Alex Winter, Lab Technician (Altpeter), University of Florida
Alexander Johnson, Chemical & Biological Engineering Ph.D. Candidate (Wühr), Princeton U.
Alistair Leveret, Postdoc (Leakey), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Allison Cook, Field Research Scientist, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (PI: Yang)
Amandine Germon, Postdoc (Leakey/Yang), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Amit Kumar, Technician (Long), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Ananthan Nambiar, Bioengineering Ph.D. Candidate (Maslov) University of Illinois Urbana-C.
Andrew Greenhaw, Research Technician (Baldwin), Mississippi State University
Anjali Arpan, Plant Biology M.S. Candidate (Reichert), Mississippi State University
Ank Michielsen, Program Manager (2017-18)
Anshu Deewan, Chemical and Biomolecular Eng. Ph.D. Candidate (Rao), U. of Illinois Urbana-C.
Anya Knecht, Research Coordinator (2017-19)
Arian Ghorbanpour, Postdoc (Flaherty), University of Illinois Urbana-C.
August Schetter, Crop Sciences M.S. Candidate (Lee), Univ. of Ill. Urbana-C.
Avarna Jain, Plant Biology Field Research Specialist (DeLucia/Yang), University of Ill. Urbana-C.
Ayman Eid, Postdoc (Altpeter), University of Florida
Behnam Enghiad, Chemical Engineering Ph.D. Candidate (Zhao), University of Illinois Urbana-C.
Ben Daniels, Academic Hourly Researcher (Sacks), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Bethany Blakely, Postdoc (Bernacchi), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Bo-Xun Wang, Chemical & Biological Eng. Ph.D. Candidate (Huber), U. of Wisconsin at Madison
Bosen Zhang, Postdoc (Moose), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Brian Rhodes, Crop Sciences Ph.D. Candidate (Moose), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Brittney Shipley, Theme Administrator, IGB (2022-23)
Bryan Mejia-Sosa, Chem. & Biomolecular Eng. Ph.D. Candidate (Zhao), U. of Illinois Urbana-C.
Bryant Brown, Greenhouse Manager (Altpeter), University of Florida
Caitlin Moore, Postdoc (Bernacchi), University of Ill. Urbana-Champaign
Carl Schultz, Chemical and Biomolecular Eng. Ph.D. Candidate (Zhao), U. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Carlos Esquerre Fernandez, Postdoc (Singh), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Carrie Leibensperger, Civil & Envtl. Eng. M.S. Candidate (Cai), U. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Chang Cui, Chemistry Graduate Student (Yi Lu), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Chang-Jun Liu, Researcher, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Chanwoo Kim, Food Science & Human Nutrition Ph.D. Candidate (Jin), U. of Illinois Urbana-C.
Chao Zhou, Postdoc (Xu), Brookhaven National Laboratory
Charumeghana Samantula, Civil & Envt. Eng. M.S. Candidate (Guest), U. of Illinois Urbana-C.
Chen Liao, Postdoc (Ting Lu), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Chengxiang Zhai, Professor of Computer Science, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Chengyou Shi, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Ph.D. Candidate (Zhao), U. of Illinois U.-C.
Chongya Jiang, Research Scientist (Guan), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Christopher Gonzalez, Chemical and Biological Engineering Ph.D. Candidate, Princeton University (PI: Avalos)
Christopher Mehrer, Grad Student (Pfleger), University of Wisconsin at Madison
Chuck Hyde, Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology M.S. Candidate, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (PI: Yang)
Congjian Ni, Biophysics and Quantum Biology Ph.D. Candidate (T. Lu), University of Ill. Urbana-C.
Corben Andrews, Field Research Specialist (DeLucia/Yang), U. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Dan Lanier, Crop Sciences Academic Hourly Researcher (Hudson), University of Ill. Urbana-C.
Dang (Viet) Cao, Visiting Scholar (Altpeter), University of Florida