Cellulosic Biofuels a Win for Ground Transportation Themes: Sustainability Keywords: Biofuel Production, Economics, Ecosystem Science, News
CRISPR-COPIES: New Tool Accelerates and Optimizes Genome Editing Themes: Conversion Keywords: Genome Engineering, News, Software
Protecting the Protector Boosts Plant Oil Content Themes: Feedstock Production Keywords: Biofuel Production, News
Genetics of Host Plants Determine Microorganism Attraction Themes: Feedstock Production, Sustainability Keywords: Plant-Soil Microbiome
CABBI Team Earns Exploratory Research Funding from EMSL Themes: Feedstock Production Keywords: Biofuel Production
New Study Indicates C4 Crops Less Sensitive to Ozone Pollution than C3 Crops Themes: Feedstock Production
New Pipeline Makes Valuable Organic Acid from Plants — Saving Money and Emissions Themes: Conversion, Feedstock Production, Sustainability