Andrew Leakey

Professor of Plant Biology and Crop Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Lab Website
- Google Scholar
- Water Efficient Sorghum Technologies (WEST)
- His School of Integrative Biology page
- His Crop Sciences page
- His lab page
- A November 2020 Q&A with the new Director

Recent Publications
- Influence of Particle Size on NIR Spectroscopic Characterization of Sorghum Biomass for the Biofuel Industry
- Stomata: Custodians of Leaf Gaseous Exchange
- Machine Learning-enabled Computer Vision for Plant Phenotyping: A Primer on AI/ML and Case Study on Stomatal Patterning
- Greater Aperture Counteracts Effects of Reduced Stomatal Density on WUE: A Case Study on Sugarcane and Meta-Analysis
- Reducing Stomatal Density by Expression of a Synthetic Epidermal Patterning Factor Increases Leaf Intrinsic Water Use Efficiency and Reduces Plant Water Use in a C4 Crop
- Rapid and High-Throughput Determination of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) Biomass Composition Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics
- Similar Photosynthetic but Different Yield Responses of C3 and C4 Crops to Elevated O3
- Two Decades of Fumigation Data from the Soybean Free Air Concentration Enrichment Facility
- Bioprocessing, Recovery, and Mass Balance of Vegetative Lipids from Metabolically Engineered ‘Oilcane’ Demonstrates Its Potential as an Alternative Feedstock for Drop-In Fuel Production
- Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Exploit High-Spatial- and -Temporal-Resolution Aerial Imagery to Phenotype Key Traits in Miscanthus
- The Leaf Economics Spectrum of Triploid and Tetraploid C4 Grass Miscanthus x giganteus
- Implementing Spatio-Temporal 3D-Convolution Neural Networks and UAV Time Series Imagery to Better Predict Lodging Damage in Sorghum
- Understanding growth Dynamics and Yield Prediction of Sorghum Using High Temporal Resolution UAV Imagery Time Series and Machine Learning
- Can Improved Canopy Light Transmission Ameliorate Loss of Photosynthetic Efficiency in the Shade? An Investigation of Natural Variation in Sorghum bicolor
Recent Datasets
- Influence of Particle Size on NIR Spectroscopic Characterization of Sorghum Biomass for the Biofuel Industry
- Reducing Stomatal Density by Expression of a Synthetic EPF Increases Leaf Intrinsic Water Use Efficiency and Reduces Plant Water Use in a C4 Crop
- Greater Aperture Counteracts Effects of Reduced Stomatal Density on WUE: A Case Study on Sugarcane and Meta-Analysis
- Rapid and High-Throughput Determination of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) Biomass Composition using Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics
- Similar Photosynthetic but Different Yield Responses of C3 and C4 Crops to Elevated O3
- SoyFACE Fumigation Data Files
- Bioprocessing, Recovery, and Mass Balance of Vegetative Lipids from Metabolically Engineered ‘Oilcane’ Demonstrates Its Potential as an Alternative Feedstock for Drop-In Fuel Production
- UAV Remote Sensing Imagery of Miscanthus — 2020
- The Leaf Economics Spectrum of Triploid and Tetraploid C4 Grass Miscanthus x giganteus
- UAV-Based Multispectral Time-Series Imagery of Biomass Sorghum — 2019
- Photosynthetic Performance Measurements in Biomass Sorghum Varietals in Central Illinois During Four Growing Seasons