Genghong Wu

Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Ph.D. Candidate, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (PI: Guan)
Recent Publications
- Evaluation of Average Leaf Inclination Angle Quantified by Indirect Optical Instruments in Crop Fields
- Ground Far-Red Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Vegetation Indices in the US Midwestern Agroecosystems
- Can Upscaling Ground Nadir SIF to Eddy Covariance Footprint Improve the Relationship Between SIF and GPP in Croplands?
- A Daily, 250M and Real-Time Gross Primary Productivity Product (2000-Present) Covering the Contiguous United States
- Unique Contributions of Chlorophyll and Nitrogen to Predict Crop Photosynthetic Capacity from Leaf Spectroscopy
- Radiance-Based NIRv as a Proxy for GPP of Corn and Soybean
Recent Datasets
- SIF and Vegetation Indices in the US Midwestern Agroecosystems, 2016-2021
- Attributing Differences of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF)-Gross Primary Production (GPP) Relationships between Two C4 Crops: Corn and Miscanthus
- Unique Contributions of Chlorophyll and Nitrogen to Predict Crop Photosynthetic Capacity from Leaf Spectroscopy