Adoption of Perennial Energy Crops in the U.S. Midwest: Causal and Heterogeneous Determinants
Type: Dataset
Themes: Sustainability
Keywords: Modeling
Type: Dataset
Themes: Sustainability
Keywords: Modeling
Type: Publication
Themes: Sustainability
Type: Publication
Themes: Sustainability
Keywords: Inter-BRC, Plant-Soil Microbiome
Type: Publication
Themes: Sustainability
Keywords: Inter-BRC, Transcriptomics
Type: Dataset
Themes: Sustainability
Keywords: Biomass Analytics, Field Data
Type: Publication
Themes: Sustainability
Keywords: Inter-BRC, Marginal Land
Type: Publication
Themes: Conversion, Sustainability
Keywords: Marginal Land
Type: Dataset
Themes: Sustainability
Keywords: Genomics
Type: Publication
Themes: Sustainability
Keywords: Field Data