Soil Metagenome – Native Miscanthus Rhizosphere and Endophytic Microbiome
Themes: Feedstock Production, Sustainability
Keywords: Genomics, Soil
Ji, N., Liang, D., Clark, L.V., Sacks, E.J., Kent, A.D. Aug. 23, 2023. “Native Miscanthus rhizosphere and endophytic microbiome.” NIH – NCBI BioProject.

across core- and non-core-microbial communities across rhizosphere and root
endophytic compartments in both species.
Survey of the native Miscanthus rhizosphere and endophytic microbiome in Taiwan, with particular attention placed on the diazotrophic community. This survey aimed to determine the ecological drivers of microbial community composition across strong biogeographical and ecological gradients in two species of wild Miscanthus on the island of Taiwan in 2008.
NCBI BioProject – Soil metagenome data