KETCHUP: Parameterizing of Large-Scale Kinetic Models Using Multiple Datasets with Different Reference States
Themes: Conversion
Keywords: Metabolomics, Modeling
Hu, M., Suthers, P.F., Maranas, C.D. Feb. 7, 2024. “Kinetic Estimation Tool Capturing Heterogeneous Datasets Using Pyomo (KETCHUP)” GitHub Repository.

Repository for Kinetic Estimation Tool Capturing Heterogeneous Datasets Using Pyomo (KETCHUP), a flexible parameter estimation tool that leverages a primal-dual interior-point algorithm to solve a nonlinear programming (NLP) problem that identifies a set of parameters capable of recapitulating the steady-state fluxes and concentrations in wild-type and perturbed metabolic networks.
KETCHUP can use K-FIT [2] input files. Example K-FIT input files are located in the K-FIT repository at
GitHub Repository: Includes code and updated installation guide.
Download (116.5 KB) includes:
- Model statistics
- Strain metabolites and fluxomics data
- Yield prediction comparisons