How Do Drought and Heat Affect the Response of Soybean Seed Yield to Elevated O3? An Analysis of 15 Seasons of Free-air O3 Concentration Enrichment (O3-FACE) Studies

Themes: Feedstock Production

Keywords: Field Data


Li, S., Montes, C.M., Aspray, E.K., and Ainsworth, E.A. Aug. 29, 2024. “How Do Drought and Heat Affect the Response of Soybean Seed Yield to Elevated O3? An Analysis of 15 Seasons of Free-air O3 Concentration Enrichment Studies.” University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. DOI: 10.13012/B2IDB-9394312_V1


Historical O3 treatments at the SoyFACE facility in Champaign, IL. The bar charts show the cumulative hourly O3 exposure over a threshold of 40 ppb (a, AOT40) and 60 ppb (b, SUM06) during the entire fumigation period for the ambient plots (black bars) and elevated O3 plots (red bars). In 2009 and 2010, there were eight different elevated O3 treatments with targets ranging from 40 to 200 ppb. The graphs show the ambient values for each year and one of the elevated treatments in 2009 and 2010 (74.0 and 72.9 ppb, respectively).

Over the past 15 years, soybean seed yield response to season-long elevated O3 concentrations [O3] and to year-to-year weather conditions was studied using free-air O3 concentration enrichment (O3-FACE) in the field at the SoyFACE facility in Central Illinois. Elevated [O3] significantly reduced seed yield across cultivars and years. However, our results quantitatively demonstrate that weather conditions, including soil water availability and air temperature, did not alter yield sensitivity to elevated [O3] in soybean.


Illinois Data Bank:

  • O3 concentration
  • Reported yield
  • P-PET
  • Tmax

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