PerMANOVA results for the overall microbiome (16S rRNA) and different nitrogen cycling functional genes included in this study (nitrification: AamoA – archaeal amoA [ammonia monooxygenase], BamoA – bacterial amoA; denitrification: nirS and nirK – nitrite reductase, nosZ – nitrous oxide reductase). The y-axis shows R.2, percent variance explained by the treatment factor, and the x-axis shows the functional genes tested. (* – P < 0.05, ** – P < 0.01, *** – P < 0.001)Supplemental sequence processing and R statistical analysis for publication which compares the microbiome of 27 Zea cultivars: 12 Inbred maize genotypes, 9 hybrids, and 6 wild teosinte. The project contains amplicon data for various genes: 16S rRNA, ITS, bacterial amoA, Archeal amoA, nirS, nirK, and nosZ. In addition to functional potential assay data, and N2O flux.