Schematic outline of methods used in this study. (a) We used a subset of the LIDET dataset (Harmon, 2013) to reparameterize litter decomposition in the CORPSE model (Sulman et al., 2014a). (b) We developed a modified Monte Carlo technique that utilized discrete parameter sets instead of parameter distributions. (c) We then compared the Baseline and new LIDET parameter model results to the LIDET field data using various decomposition metrics. (d) Finally, we used the new LIDET litter decomposition parameters in the FUN-BioCROP model (Juice et al., 2022) to simulate bioenergy soil C under different feedstock and management scenarios. C: carbon; CORPSE: Carbon, Organisms, Rhizosphere, and Protection in the Soil Environment; FUN-BioCROP: Fixation and Uptake of Nitrogen-Bioenergy Carbon, Rhizosphere, Organisms, and Protection; LIDET: Long-term Intersite Decomposition Experiment Team; MRT: mean residence time; N: nitrogen.
This repository contains the code and data necessary to run the FUN-BioCROP (Fixation and Uptake of Nitrogen-Bioenergy Carbon, Rhizosphere, Organisms, and Protection) model with litter decomposition parameters derived from a modified Monte Carlo simulation that used the Long-term Intersite Decomposition Experiment Team dataset.
Zenodo – FUN-BioCROP model code, CORPSE model function code, input data
GitHub – FUN-BioCROP model code, CORPSE model function code, input data