FUN-BioCROP: Fixation and Uptake of Nitrogen-Bioenergy Carbon, Rhizosphere, Organisms, and Protection
Themes: Sustainability
Keywords: Modeling, Software
Juice, S.M., Walter, C.A., Allen, K.A., Berardi, D., Hudiburg, T.W., Sulman, B.N., Brzostek, E.R. Nov. 21, 2021. “Soil organic matter and plant carbon allocated to nitrogen acquisition simulated by the FUN-BioCROP model.” Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5562482.

This data package contains the model input, results, and validation data from Juice, et al. 2022. The FUN-BioCROP model (Fixation and Uptake of Nitrogen- Bioenergy Carbon, Rhizosphere, Organisms, and Protection) advances the field of bioenergy modeling by integrating new empirical paradigms of the role of belowground processes in shaping coupled carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycles. It was developed by modifying the FUN-CORPSE model (Fixation and Uptake of Nitrogen-Carbon, Organisms, Rhizosphere, and Protection in the Soil Environment, Sulman et al. 2017 Ecology Letters) for use in bioenergy systems by including mechanistic tillage, organic matter addition, nitrogen fertilization, harvest, and feedstock-specific parameters, and to be driven by DayCent plant productivity and biomass data.