Responsiveness of Miscanthus and Switchgrass Yields to Stand Age and Nitrogen Fertilization: A Meta-Regression Analysis

Themes: Sustainability

Keywords: Field Data, Modeling


Sharma, B.P.Zhang, N.Lee, D.Heaton, E.A.DeLucia, E.H.Sacks, E.J., Kantola, I.B., Boersma, N.N.Long, S.P.Voigt, T.B.Khanna, M. Feb. 10, 2022. “Data for Responsiveness of Miscanthus and Switchgrass Yields to Stand Age and Nitrogen Fertilization: A Meta-Regression Analysis.” University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. DOI: 10.13012/B2IDB-3580461_V1


Mean predicted deterministic yield across maturity stages at various N-application level for miscanthus (left) and switchgrass (right).

The compiled datasets include plot level observations of energy crops (miscanthus and switchgrass) from recent experimental field trials in the U.S., including dry biomass yield, location, state, region, harvest year, growing season degree days (GDD), winter season heating degree days (HDD), growing season cumulative precipitation, annual nitrogen application rate, age of the plant when harvested, National Commodity Crop Productivity Index (NCCPI) values, and cultivar type (switchgrass) from various published and unpublished sources.

The stata codes include estimation procedures for four different specifications, i.e., Model A includes deterministic effect without interaction terms; Model B includes deterministic effect with interaction terms (N2, age2, N × age, GDD2, precip2, N × NCCPI); Model C includes deterministic effect with interaction terms, study, and location random effect; Model D includes deterministic effect with interaction terms, harvest year augmented study, and location random effect.


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