Lowest biomass price at which county attains 50% likelihood of positive profit (LPP) for miscanthus and switchgrass with and without carbon mitigation payments. Darker color represents lower biomass price. (a) Biomass price at which counties attain 50% LPP for miscanthus without carbon payments (b) Biomass price at which counties attain 50% LPP for miscanthus with carbon price of $40 Mg−1 C (c) Biomasss price at which counties attain 50% LPP for miscanthus with carbon price of $80 Mg−1 C (d) Biomass price at which counties attain 50% LPP for switchgrass without carbon payments (e) Biomass price at which counties attain 50% LPP for switchgrass with carbon price of $40 Mg−1 C (f) Biomass price at which counties attain 50% LPP for switchgrass with carbon price of $80 Mg−1 C.
A stochastic domination analysis model was developed to examine the effect that emerging carbon markets can have on the spatially varying returns and risk profiles of bioenergy crops relative to conventional crops. The code is written in MATLAB, and it includes the calculated output.