Bioprocessing Method Yields High-Value Products Alongside Biofuels Themes: Conversion Keywords: Bioproducts, biorefinery, Feedstock Bioprocessing, News, Oilcane
New Study Shows Miscanthus’ Greater Potential for Productivity, Economic Returns Themes: Sustainability Keywords: Economics, Miscanthus, News
From Lab to Field: CABBI Pipeline Delivers Oil-Rich Sorghum Themes: Feedstock Production Keywords: News, Sorghum
Melannie Hartman: DayCent-CABBI Developer Models Bioenergy Crop Ecosystems Themes: Sustainability Keywords: Carbon, Ecosystem Science, Modeling, News
Rubisco’s Role in Global Food and Energy Security Themes: Feedstock Production Keywords: Photosynthesis, Yield
Landmark Photosynthesis Gene Discovery Boosts Plant Height, Advances Crop Science Themes: Feedstock Production Keywords: Genetics, Genomics, Photosynthesis
New Greenhouse Will Accelerate CABBI Bioenergy Research Themes: Feedstock Production, Sustainability Keywords: News, Phenotyping
New Energycane Genotypes Maintain Productivity in Cold Climates Themes: Feedstock Production Keywords: Energycane, News, Saccharum, Sugarcane
CABBI Team Designs Efficient Bioenergy Crops That Need Less Water to Grow Themes: Feedstock Production Keywords: News, Sorghum, Sugarcane, Water Use Efficiency
A Win for Interdisciplinary Training: CABBI Undergrad Takes Home ASPB Hackathon Award Themes: Feedstock Production Keywords: AI/ML, Genetics, Modeling, News
New Additive Process Can Make Better — and Greener — High-Value Chemicals Themes: Conversion Keywords: Bioproducts, Catalysis, News
Study Identifies Best Bioenergy Crops for Sustainable Aviation Fuels by U.S. Region, Policy Goals Themes: Sustainability Keywords: Biofuel Production, Economics, Ecosystem Science, Modeling, Sustainable Aviation Fuel
Fine-Tuning Leaf Angle with CRISPR Improves Sugarcane Yield Themes: Feedstock Production Keywords: Gene Editing, Genetics, Genome Engineering, Genomics, News, Sugarcane
New Resource Pinpoints Inner Workings of Sorghum Plant Cells Themes: Feedstock Production Keywords: Genomics, Metabolomics, Proteomics, RNA Sequencing, Sorghum